Even though Resolve provides payment remittance instructions to buyers, there are instances when a buyer may accidentally send a check or deposit payment directly to your business.
You should ensure the funds are deposited in your bank account and update the invoice in Resolve. If this does not happen immediately, Resolve will consider the invoice unpaid and continue to send payment reminders to the buyer.
For Non-Advanced Net Terms Invoices
For Advanced Invoices
- When you receive payment directly from the buyer, ensure it's deposited in your bank account.
- To notify Resolve the invoice has been paid, log into your merchant dashboard, find the invoice, and select Forward payment to Resolve.
- Enter the full payment amount the buyer sent for this specific invoice. Resolve will automatically calculate the amount to debit.
- Your Bank statement will show one daily transaction that aggregates all the movements of that day.
- To see the detailed breakdown of the aggregated transaction from your bank, you can go to Payments > Payouts - And click on the transaction you want to see details for.
- If the buyer is paying multiple invoices, enter the amount that should be applied to the invoice. For example, the buyer sent $300 to pay for 2 invoices ($200 and $100). For Invoice #1, you would enter $200; for Invoice #2, you would enter $100.
For Non-Advanced Net Terms Invoices
- When you receive payment directly from the buyer, ensure it's deposited in your bank account.
- To notify Resolve the invoice has been paid, log into your merchant dashboard, find the invoice, and select Mark invoice as paid.
- You will be asked if you are sure you want to mark this invoice as paid. Please click the "Mark invoice as paid" button if you are.
- Resolve will debit the Non-Advance Net Terms fee when the invoice is marked as paid.
For Due Upon Receipt Invoices
- When you receive payment directly from the buyer, ensure it's deposited in your bank account.
- To notify Resolve the invoice has been paid, log into your merchant dashboard, find the invoice, and select Mark invoice as paid.
- You will be asked if you are sure you want to mark this invoice as paid. Please click the "Mark invoice as paid" button if you are.
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