We're proud to announce a new feature that will give you even more time to pay your merchants: you may now extend the due date or pay with installments on qualifying Net 30 and Net 60 invoices by 30 days. By paying a nominal fee, you instantly get more time to pay, avoid late fees or any impact to your business credit.
Can I extend the due date on any of my invoices?
To qualify to extend the due date on your invoice:
- You must not have any open past due invoices
- Your invoice must be on Net 30 or Net 60
- Your merchant allows payment extensions
What are the flexible payment options available to me?
- Extending payment terms by 30 days
- Paying via monthly installments with a 30 or 60 day duration
- Paying via bi-weekly installments with a 30 or 60 day duration
How do I know if I can extend the due date on my invoice?
You may verify which invoices are qualified for due extensions in the following ways:
- For qualified invoices, we will send an email notification one day prior to that invoice's due date
- The weekly and monthly statements will show which emails qualify for net terms extensions
- The Invoices page of your dashboard will show an 'Extend due date' button next to qualifying invoices
How do I extend the due date on my invoice?
To extend the due date on your invoice by 30 days:
- Click 'Extend payment due date' or 'Extend due date' from either an email or your dashboard
- Enter your payment details— you may choose to pay by Credit Card or ACH
- Agree to the Terms of Service and Electronic Disclosures
- Click 'Extend payment due date' — this will charge your payment method a fee based on your selection
- Once confirmed, you will be shown a confirmation screen as well as sent an email with your updated invoice.
- Resolve will send payment to your merchant on the date of your invoice's original due date. Just pay as you normally would based on the option you've selected
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